jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Charge it up.

Have you ever uploaded something to the Internet?, If you have done that, you will easily understand what charging a sigil is. You will imprint the symbol in the Back of your mind, the subconscious,  some people even say that you put the symbol in the collective mind by doing the things that I'm teaching you here. Whatever the explanation that we give it, is not relevant, the Important thing is that by doing this, you will achieve your goals.

The most important aspect when charging a sigil is having a clear mind, what do I mean by a clear mind? well is as simple as not being concerned about anything else but your sigil, Not even the goal or the thing that you want to accomplish, The state we want is one of where we have consciously forgotten about what the sigil means, thats why I recommend to let some time to pass once you have made the sigil.

Have you ever been in a state of mind where you are just doing whatever it is that your doing in the moment?, like when your doing a sport and you are so into the game that, you just forget about anything else, you are completely focused on the activity that even the time seems to run quickly or slower, like you are doing something and then you realize, that 2 hours have gone and its seem its was just 2 minutes, we are looking for those kind of states when charging sigils. What kind of activities gives you this kind of states? Is important that you start to notice when you naturally have those states, so that you can start to use them to charge the sigils you want. Meanwhile I will give proven methods I use to get there and fire the sigil.

1.Meditation, well this is good way to get to the state we need, and is also a good way to get health benefits and get more concentration. The thing with meditation is that we sometimes feel its to passive and require discipline and time to practice it correctly, but I encourage you to do it, to get a better functioning mind and start to get into the states we need to be more easily. If you decide to use meditation as a way to fire or charge a sigil.

Meditate till you get to the state of deep consentration, clear your mind.
once you have done this make a clear picture in you mind of your sigils.

So basically charging a sigil is to when in a state of deep concentration and oneness with the world, you visualize your sigil and this way you charge it, A way that I have discovered works very well is to imagine the symbol burning in the air, and projecting it into the distance. IS also very important once you do this to simply release all lust about the sigil working and you getting what you want. (I will write about this more).

So now you know about this, is time to experiment with ways to get into the state, and firing your sigils, Orgasms are also a cool way to do this, remember your last orgasm, that intense pleasure and sense of relaxation you get when it happens, You are not thinking about anything in the world you're just feeling and into the moment. Well this is a good time to fire a sigil. As a matter of fact I recommend that you fire your first sigil with an orgasm. You can do it with a partner or by yourself. The time you get that immense pleasure and oneness with you partner and the world, you picture the sigil in your mind and let it there while you have it, experience it fully, have fun, enjoy and then forget about the sigil.


lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


This is an example of how a sigil looks like

Havent charge this one jet, because I wanted to have a real sigil in order to share how to charge them, so we will be charging our sigil soon. So if you havent made yours do it cuz its awesome and work almost everytime.

PS. Thank you for you e-mails, I have been reading some and IS ecouraging. thank you people.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

More on sigils

So you did your search and by now you already know what a Sigil is, now is time for you to start using them, let me tell you that once you have learned how to use this kind of work, your life will be changed in any way you want, sounds a little melodramatic but is truth. Lets start.

1. Write exactly what you want on a piece of paper, this stuff is better to do it with your hands and a pencil, not a computer. Make sure is not a large text, maximum 5 words.

2. Highlight the keywords on the texts, the words that you find that represent your desire the best.

3. Now take out the vowels from the words.

4. Select 3 or 4 of the letters that remain, this works better with the 1st letter from every word.

5. Now that you have 3 or 4 letters, is time to be creative and make a symbol with them, unite them, form a cool nice symbol, that makes you feel exactly your desire. You can play now with this the way you want to and I will not get in the way of your own imagination by telling you how to do it, the important part here is to be creative and trust your feelings about it, you can twist, shape, and play with your letters the way you want to, you can use colors for every letter, join them, split them. Do as you please and have fun.

Now you have work to do, on the next post I will tell you what to do with the symbol and how to use it, that require a post on his own and is so much fun. see ya.


sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Did you know about sigils?

Your mind and the universe seems to communicate with symbols, and if you learn now to control the symbols you can communicate directly with your mind and the universe. When you communicate with the universe directly you can start to shape the way you live.

So a Sigil is a symbol that you want to communicate to the world, a symbol that must mean something to you .

More on this soon... You will probably google it and learn something more and when you come back, I will tell you exactly how to use sigils in a way that works the best.

Meanwhile post Questions on the comments.

Just Sharing

This is a site about sharing knowledge, and I want it to be from all, so that means you too will be sharing knowledge here, knowledge about what?, You decide, What do you want to share?, Do you have something to share?  This is the site for that. For all of us to know.